Mists of Myths

An honor and great fun to play a part in the upstart of this new project with my friend, the Great rude beautiful Witch Mrs RedHead…


Hanne Thornfeldt Fisker

LiadrielW Mrs RedHead Photography has a remarkable eye for the mystical and magical. She knows how to capture a moment and turn it into a living and breathing myth. It takes a certain amount of skill and deep trust to call out the essence of a person and in particular elves who tend to shy away from cameras. She truly caught me in my element! Mrs Redhead is a remarkable talented Great Witch, one of the very few!!

Some might call parts of her work dark. To me, her art embodies the beauty and strength of the feminine force, the yin and yang, light and the darkness and more importantly; the great mystery that lives in us all.

What you see here, is the beginning of Mrs RedHeads new photo-album โ€˜Mists of Mythsโ€™; a title I was given the honor to bring along with igniting the idea. There might even beโ€ฆ

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9 Replies to “Mists of Myths”

  1. Great picture – love the way the setting reflects on the woman in the picture (you?) and the passionate red skirt speaks volumes!


  2. paranoiasnfm says:

    OMG… i love it! ๐Ÿ˜€
    Thanks for sharing! ๐Ÿ˜‰
    Reminds our trails here… with waterfalls and too many green around! ๐Ÿ˜€


  3. Love this! Such an evocative photo. You are lovely! I wanted to come by your blog and thank you for stopping by mine recently and liking my poem “The Sigh of the Eternal Glade.” I appreciate the time you spent connecting your world with mine. Blessings to you. โค


    • Aawww, that is so very kind of you to write me this comment!
      I completely love your About on your site, have to follow it now. Thank you for getting back to me, so I can do just that! ๐Ÿ™‚
      Have a beautiful day.


  4. Himani B says:

    in awe O.o

    this is beyond beautiful!


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